List of Tables
Marc Tiefenauer, Upanikhat-i Garbha: A Mughal Translation into Persian of a Small Sanskrit Treatise on Embryology
Table 5.1 | Translation procedures |
Table 5.2 | Combined translation procedures |
Imre Bangha, Shifts in Kabīr Contexts and Texts from Mughal to Modern Times
Table 6.1 | Kumar Gandharva (Singing Emptiness) |
Hiroko Nagasaki, Metrical Style of Tulsīdās
Table 14.1 | Metrical forms of major works |
Table 14.2 | Metrical forms of minor works |
Table 14.3 | Irregular stanzas in each chapter based on the Kāśīrāja edition |
Table 14.4 | Metrical forms under the category of śloka in the Rāmacaritamānasa |
Table 14.5 | The dohā by Tulsīdās according to the traditional mora grouping |
Table 14.6 | The mora grouping of dohā by ‘Bhānu’ |