Megastadt im Spannungsfeld nationaler Verhaftung und globaler Integration
South-East Asia's metropolitan areas have been facing enormous change and growth within the past three decades. Globalization and Nationalization are the bases of both political and social conflicts within these rapidly changing developing economies. This article focuses on the special situation of Indonesia, whose capital Jakarta has become the focus of internationalization in the late sixties, when President Suharto established his 'New Order' programme. Special emphasis is put on economic, social and demographic development within the metropolitan area of Jabotabek, a 24 million megalopolis developing around the core city and focus of international investment, that is heavily dependent on national stability in order to cope with growing competition within the Asia-Pacific area. In addition to increasing urban-rural linkages and the prevalence of state and islamic influence, the rapid polarization of Indonesia's society is likely to prevent Jakarta's (politically desired) rise to a global city. The findings presented are based on the results of an interdisciplinary research project ("Migration in Third World mega-cities"), which is presently being carried out by the Department of Geography at the University of Vienna.

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Dieses Werk steht unter der Lizenz Creative Commons Namensnennung - Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen 4.0 International.