Facing Grey Area Phenomena - Transformation through Transnational Crime and Violence in Southeast Asia

  • Sebastian Hiltner (Author)


Transnational crime and violence are not new to Southeast Asia. The sovereign sensitivities are still strong in this region, which detained effective measures against these threats to the stability and wealth of nation states. Although ASEAN would be an excellent platform and basis for cooperation and security strategies, most Southeast Asian states practice their own security policy. But there are signs for a transformation heading towards a cooperative direction. The following article substantiates this transformation by drawing on the concept of Grey Area Phenomena (GAP) and the efforts against these phenomena by Southeast Asian states on the ASEAN arena. In doing so, the high pressure on interior and exterior sovereignty caused by GAP gives no political and financial alternative to a transformation. The acceptance for a decrease of sovereign sensitivities is growing and makes way for a regional security strategy with mutual cross-border cooperation.

