Warnk, Holger: Titelliste
Abdullah Saeed (ed.): Approaches to the Qur'an in Contemporary Indonesia London: Oxford University Press, 2005
188-189 -
Arbeitstagung zur indonesischen Sprache und Literatur - Lokakarya Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Frankfurt/Main, 07./08.05.2004
98-99 -
Beth Osnes: The Shadow Puppet Theatre on Malaysia. A Study of Wayang Kulit with Performance Scripts and Puppet Designs
131-132 -
David C. L. Lim (ed.): Overcoming Passion for Race in Malaysia Cultural Studies
129-131 -
Dominador D. Buhain: A History of Publishing in the Philippines
122-124 -
Gerry van Klinken: Minorities, modernity and the emerging nation. Christians in Indonesia, a biographical approach Leiden: KITLV Press 2003, 285 S., (= Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde 199)
109-112 -
Greg Fealy, Virginia Hooker (eds.): Voices of Islam in Southeast Asia A Contemporary Sourcebook
94-95 -
Islam in Ostindonesien: historische und sozialanthropologische Perspektiven
114-115 -
Kolloquium ’’German-Speaking Scholarship and the Malay World: Exploring an Empirical Tradition” Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor Darul Ihsan, Malaysia, 11.-12. März 2002
99-101 -
Natalie Mobini-Kesheh: The Hadrami Awakening. Community and Identity in the Netherlands East Indies, 1900-1942
124-126 -
Patricia Matusky, Tan Sooi Beng: The Music of Malaysia. The Classical, Folk and Syncretic Traditions
99-101 -
Thomas A. Marks: The British Acquisition of Siamese Malaya (1896-1909)
112-114 -
Wilfried Wagner: "Volkwerdung unter dem Kreuz". Ein protestantischer Entwurf der National-Staatsbildung Berlin: Wichem Verlag 2003, 16 S., (= Berliner Beiträge zur Missionsgeschichte 5)