Im Spannungsfeld von Tradition und Modernisierung
Chinesische Germanistik und die Reformperiode seit 1979
Identifier (Artikel)
German Studies and German Language Training in China have quite a long history closely linked to the impact of reforms and foreign exchange activities from the second half of the 19th century onwards. There are both traditions in very practical and economically useful language training as well as in philological studies (germanistics) especially after the May 4th-Movement. German Studies are also closely related to the development of Chinese politics and economics as forming the macro-level of the Chinese opening and reform policy since 1979, to educational reforms, the development of German-Chinese relations and to foreign language study and research policy reforms. While study activities of B.A.-curricula concentrate on language training and economically useful course contents which will provide the students with better job opportunities in future, research is engaged in translations and philological studies on (often contrastive) literature and grammar as well as in teaching methods. Teaching is the most important task of Chinese Germanists and dominates the comparatively rare research activities, which often are a function of teaching itself. Increasing lack of teaching staff and research material cause problems that have to be solved in future.


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