Die Holding-Organisation für Auslandskonzerne in der VR China

  • Marcel Jahnke (Autor/in)


Since late 1992 the possibility of establishing holding companies in the PRC to streamline different investment projects under a corporate body gains more and more attention in the community of multinational companies. Although the possible scope of business outlined in the Interim-Regulations (that had been promulgated by MOFTEC in April 1995) did not meet all the hopes and expectations of potential investors, the number of approved holding companies keeps on growing. The reason for the success of the new organizational concept can be seen in the actual and future improvements, which might be achieved through a holding group structure. These can be located in different important aspects of investments. By nature they are economical, but also hidden structural, organizational and strategic resources can be realized. Even innovative intercultural concepts of management and communications can possibly be developed within the holding network.

