Journalistinnen in Kambodscha - Barrieren und Kompensationsstrategien

  • Friederike Günther (Author)
  • Elise Laatz (Author)
  • Sabrina Schmidt (Author)


The following study concentrates on the working conditions, resources and strategies of female journalists in Cambodia. It acts on the theory of Gender Mainstreaming which says present gender hierarchies are based on socially constructed role attribution. Its main object is to find out weather there are ambitious and prospective actors for supporting a transformation towards gender equality. Thus the study's focus lies on the correlation between traditional role expectations (understanding) and the requirements and potentials of a modem, ambitious generation of women in the media sector. The „3R-methode“, a regular instrument of Gender Mainstreaming, was used to develop central questions in depth interviews. These were conducted with 11 female journalists and employees of different Cambodian radio stations. One of the main findings is that most of the women use their job to influence the social image of women in a positive way. Their social engagement indicates them trying to promote an improvement of the social and medial status of women.

