Towards China´s Integration into the Aid Donor Architecture: Learning from Chinese Participation in International Regimes
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China’s increasing involvement in Africa seems to pose a serious challenge to the established aid donor community. A competition between the so-called Beijing Consensus and the Post-Washington Consensus could undermine regional and international efforts for supporting a reformist agenda towards market economy development and liberal democracy in Africa and could thus propel regional instability. Since most suggestions for an engagement strategy toward China regarding its economic activities in Africa lack a clear understanding of China’s motives to join such a regime, this article analyses China’s past behaviour in other international regimes. It recommends combining international pressure with pragmatic assistance in order to affect China’s cost-benefit analysis. A structured approach could provide pragmatic experience in the field, informal and formal dialogues, and an institutional structure that takes into account Chinese interests. Beijing could be gradually familiarised with the aid donor regime, using the effects of practical learning and small-group socialisation. (Manuscript received March 10, 2008; accepted for publication April 29, 2008)


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