Afghanistan: The Western Withdrawal and its Implications for Security and Economy
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This article attempts to explain the implications of withdrawal of foreign military forces from Afghanistan in 2014 onwards. The implications for regional security and economy are explained with the help of proposed rational choice model which, it is posited, is applicable to the case of Afghanistan. Methodologically, this study used qualitative methods approach to collect primary data in terms of interviews and survey. Besides, the study aims at testing its hypotheses, namely, lack of planning in the post-war period leads to more conflicts, and collaboration among regional powers can help achieve peace and economic stability. As a result of its model-guided empirical analysis, this study finds the post-withdrawal situation in Afghanistan, to be more complicated. This complexity could be (re)solved positively if the engaged actors prefer to negotiate. If not, divergence of interests would lead to more confrontation and, hence, chaos beyond the South Asian region.


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