Stand und Zugänglichkeit von Informationsmaterialien in China

  • Karin Korn-Riedlinger (Author)

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An overview of information and documentation in China takes into account the information policy, the promotion of information and documentation and existing problems, e.g. resulting from organisational structures (xitong) and the holding back of information (neibu faxing). Access to the National Library (Beijing Tushuguan) can be compared to western libraries, while the author experienced some restrictions at the library of Sichuan University in Chengdu. Regarding the establishment of data-bases there are chosen examples from data-bases in the fields of traditional Chinese medicine, agriculture and commerce. Further, the China Information Industry Association is described. A last chapter analyses information and documentation in the social sciences in general and with special regard to the library of the Cultural Palace of Nationalities dealing with the field of ethno-documentation.

