Nach dem Ölpreissturz : Folgt ein Exodus der süd- und südostasiatischen Migranten aus dem Nahen Osten?

  • Georg Cremer (Author)

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The oil price slump 1986 will have unpleasant consequences on labor migration from South- and Southeast Asia to the Middle East. The construction boom in the Middle East is definitely over, which cuts off the most important source of employment. Migrant workers now needed by labor importing countries are in general better skilled, but there will be fewer job opportunities after this shift in labor demand. The governments of labor importing countries will be forced to reduce subsidies, which might force part of their citizens to exercise professions up to now only done by migrants. The govemments will also intensify their policies to curb the number of migrant workers employed in their countries. The Asian labor exporting countries are forced to reintegrate large numbers of workers and to adapt their economies to much lower remittances than in the past.

