Aspekte der unternehmerischen Kooperation zwischen Industrie- und Entwicklungsländern in Südöst- und Ostasien

  • Christian Uhlig (Author)

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The article reviews the various approaches of international industrial cooperation on the enterprise level, such as license cooperation, sub-contracting, or joint ventures and their application in the Southeast- and Eastasian region. In a detailed empirical study it is shown, that - except for Singapore, Hong Kong and Taiwan - in all other countries of the region special regula- tions exist in one form or another to channel foreign direct investments into joint ventures with local capital. As for the other forms of cooperation it can - on the basis of samples - be stated that their importance is growing too. By this industrial cooperation on the enterprise level the developing countries of the region gain - besides the flow of capital - access to foreign tech- nology, management and marketing know-how as well as control of their markets and resources. Partners from industrial countries may maintain and expand their markets and reach a more intensive integration into the national and regional political and business context. Although the difficulties of entrepreneurial cooperation may not be underestimated, the author argues that this formula of mutual partnership seems nonetheless the appropriate device of future international business contacts.

