Family Planning, Fertility Decline, and Family Size Preference in Hong Kong: Some General Observations

  • Pedro Ng (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


The promotion of family planning in Hong Kong has been largely the work of the Family Planning Association of Hong Kong, which has greatly expanded its services since the mid-1960s. Survey results as well as records of the Association show that the practice of contraception has tended to start at lower pregnancy levels, especially among younger mothers. Most of the decline in the crude birth rate in the late-1960 s was due to a true decline in fertility, which had been brought about not only by the family planning programme but also by changing social and economic conditions in Hong Kong favouring a desire for smaller families. For example, there has been a rapid expansion of education since 1961 and female participation in the labour force has greatly increased. Furthermore, there is evidence to show that a family size norm of two to three children is gaining popularity, especially among the younger age groups.

