Der X. Parteitag der KPCh

  • Thomas Scharping (Author)

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The Tenth Congress of the CCP witnessed the decline of military influence in China. It sanctioned the reemergence of formerly purged rightist power-holders in the Party and the renewed upsurge of an anti-revisionist mass movement. These conflicting trends reflect in the composition of the leading bodies of the Party which are characterized by a coalition of moderate and leftist forces against the military. The election of five vice-chairmen of the CC points to a decision to establish a collective leadership after Mao’s decease with second Party vice-chairman Wang Hung-wen symbolizing the continuation of revolutionary policies. The aftermath of the Party’s Tenth Congress saw renewed confrontation between radical and moderate forces and threw doubt on the viability of the compromise reached at the congress. The debate on qualifications for Party membership and the conflicting attitudes to the new Mao-dictum of .Going against the tide’ were manifestations of unresolved struggles which were to surface in the anti-Confucian mass movement in 1974.

