Bau- und Siedlungsweise ostnepalischer Bhotiyas - Beispiele differenzierter Gruppenanpassung an physische Umweltbedingungen im Himalaya
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Rural architecture in the Eastern Nepal Himalayas is a result of ethnical and environmental conditions. Building materials and construction methods as well as the village lay-out demonstrate the different possibilities of human adaption to the natural environment. Examples of village architecture are shown from 5 different areas inhabitated by the East Nepali tribe of the Sherpas, who immigrated from Tibet to Nepal some hundred yars ago. Those areas described in this article are the valleys of Khumbu, Rolwaling, Solu and Helambu. According to the different natural environment — landscape, altitude and climate — the rural architecture ist a result of the protection against climatical influences and of existing building materials as well as it is corresponding to agricultural and commercial activities.Statistics
