Reaktivierung der Sprachpolitik in der Volksrepublik China

  • Helmut Martin (Author)

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After disconnected beginnings during the years of the Republic, China developed since 1949 a distinct language policy. It has — in spite of changing emphasis on the program — concentrated within the last 25 years on a moderate course of reform directed towards introducing a Latin alphabet, simplifying characters and promoting the standard language of Peking. After the Cultural Revolution which interrupted activities for six years, language policy was revived. Central planning of the governmental Committee for Language Reform is resumed, but sudden changes are avoided. There is pressing demand for introducing mechanization, automatization and computers in printing and the media. China prepares a new list of simplified characters. The number of characters in general use will be eventually reduced to 4000. The p’in-yin Latin alphabet and the standard language is again taught at public- and secondary school level. Primarily, however, the teachers themselves have to be newly trained in the language field. Teaching material is published in huge numbers, there are provided radio lectures and records. The language policy towards minorities has also been revived. Sinkiang reemphasized the new Latin script for Uighurs and Kasakhs. Nevertheless, there is strong resistance to the final goal of abandoning the characters for a future alphabetical writing.

