"Hinduistisches Zürich: Eine Entdeckungsreise". Bericht zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung im Stadthaus Zürich, 22.10.04 - 28.2.05

  • Johannes Beltz (Author)

Identifiers (Article)

Identifiers (Files)


Hindus in Switzerland are of diverse backgrounds; they belong to different communities and join different associations. It is this diversity which made the exhibition exciting as well as challenging. The visitors could explore how Hindus define themselves far away from their former homeland, be it India, Indonesia or Nepal. Through personal statements, interviews and photographic portraits the exhibition articulated expressions of religious identities focusing on the "Hindu Way of Life" as practiced in Zurich, all in all a colourful panorama. In this article the curator of the exhibition explores its methodological and theoretical ramifications and explains the importance of including "all sorts" of Hindus. Finally, the more general question of religious plurality and pluralism in Europe and the role of museums within this debate is discussed.

