Exportorientierte Produktionszonen in Malaysia und Vietnam: Regionale Disparitäten und Widersprüche im Planungsprozess

  • Michael Waibel (Author)
  • Rolf Jordan (Author)

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Export-orientated industrialisation has formed a substantial part of national economic development policy in Malaysia since the 1960s and in Vietnam since the early 1990s. Within this strategy, the establishment of so-called export processing zones (EPZ) represents a central component. This paper highlights and compares the role of EPZ during the course of economic development in both countries, investigating the regional spatial consequences of EPZ development and, finally, illustrating the discrepancies between national and local state authorities' EPZ policy. The authors demonstrate the central role of the state and state-controlled enterprises in designating and operating EPZ and show that the results of export-orientated industrialisation often contradict the general development goals put forward by the Malaysian and Vietnamese governments.

