Political and Administrative Reforms in Indonesia: New Perspectives for the 1990s?

  • Rainer Rohdewohld (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


Since 1983 the Indonesian government has been implementing a policy of economic deregulation, strengthening the economic role of the private sector and thus opening up new sources of development investment. Although economic deregulation has not always been without setbacks and inconsistencies, the New Order government has proved its ability to react flexibly to changing economic circumstances. In the administration, decentralisation and a policy of professionalisation of the civil service have been introduced. However, implementation of decentralisation has been slow and is limited to functional aspects, while the patrimonial attitude of the civil service and its bureaucratic work procedures remain unchanged. Regarding the political framework of the Indonesian corporatist state, the government of President Suharto has been unwilling to accommodate the demands for more political openness and broader political participation.

