’’Vom Geschmack des Eisessens”
Heimatgefühl und nationale Identität in Lesebüchern für Mittelschüler in Taiwan
Identifiers (Article)
After the end of martial law on Taiwan in 1987 and political liberalization as one of its consequences, the question of an indigenous "Taiwanese identity" became a major issue in various fields of study. One expression of this search for cultural and political identity is the literary current xiangtu wenxue. During the last few years, this trend has found its way into Taiwan's school books. This essay examines the means by which "Taiwanese identity" is conveyed in literary reading textbooks issued by the political authorities and currently used at middle schools throughout Taiwan. What do the stories in the textbooks tell us about the ideal values that today's pupils should internalize in the eyes of the authorities? Political symbols and the image of the West or Mainland China in the textbooks contribute to the children's identification with their "nation". Additionally, local expressions, an idealized Taiwanese past or even local food are used to instill into the pupils an inner sense of belonging to their home - the island of Taiwan.
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