Wachstumsdreiecke in Südostasien als neue Form der subregionalen Kooperation

Das Beispiel des ’’Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle”

  • Arndt E. Focken (Author)


By using complementary resource endowments and comparative advantages of their sub-regions growth triangles are to become an attractive centre for local and foreign direct investment in order to strengthen the competitiveness of the area under consideration and to promote intra- and extra-regional trade. The ultimate objective is to generate prosperity in the sub-regions as well as in their respective countries. But growth triangles not only create economic gains for the players involved. They also may affect security and stability in the region in a positive as well as in a negative way. Hence, a judicious implementation of development strategies, taking into account a multitude of political, social and economic variables, is vital for the success of the programme. Most important is the long-term equal distribution of benefits among the partners. For the development of the Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle portrayed in this article a study has been conducted by the Asian Development Bank containing a strategy for the implementation of 97 initiatives. The majority of these apply to the triangle region as a whole and to the Malaysia-Thailand axis respectively.

