Der Taal-Vulkan auf den Philippinen

Ökotourismus als förderungswürdiger Beitrag fur eine nachhaltige Entwicklung in einer Risikoregion?

  • Hans-Joachim Fuchs (Author)
  • Kerstin Koch (Author)


For several years, early stages of different types of environmentally and socially sustainable tourism have been observable in the Philippines. Based on intensive fieldwork, this study discusses the conditions for ecotourism, using the example of the Taal Volcano region, which is one of the world's largest active volcanoes with almost 30 km wide, water filled calderas. In this context current problems as well as the risks of implementing ecotourism shall be demonstrated. The analysis of the touristic potential leads to concrete suggestions for improvement and primary solutions for ecotourism around Taal Volcano, playing an important role for a sustainable economic development in a steadily changing natural risk area.

