Stabilitätsdefizite der philippinischen Demokratie unter Arroyo

  • Howard Loewen (Author)


The political system of the Philippines has long been regarded as the most advanced democracy in Southeast Asia. This view definitely belongs to the past, however: ineffective policies, corruption, political violence, coup d’etats and popular uprisings that even topple democratically elected leaders like Estrada constantly threaten democracy in the Philippines. How can this instability be explained? This paper argues that stability is not primarily eroded by fragile political structures and institutions; it is the actors that matter in Filipino politics. Representatives of economic and political elites, the middle class and actors like the military constantly weaken the efficiency and overall legitimacy of democratic structures and processes. Yet, systemic breakdown is rather unlikely to occur due to a lean yet basic acceptance of democracy and its institutions. This especially holds true for the Supreme Court and its  widely accepted judgements on the controversial cases of impeachment and tax reforms.

