The 17th General Election of Thailand
Identifiers (Article)
The article analyzes the 17th General Election of Thailand by focussing on four major aspects: first, it investigates the factors that led to the dissolution of Parliament; secondly, it reviews the election campaign (that is, changes and realignments in the party system, patterns of candidate recruitment, campaign tactics, campaign issues, election spending and party platforms); thirdly, it presents and interprets the election results before, finally, an attempt is made to assess the election results in the light of Thailand longer term political development. The article argues that the election signified strengthening of the political right and conservative forces. Moreover, in the light of the surprising resignation of Prime Minister Prem Tinsulanonda and the increased fragmentation of political parties in the Parliament, power realignments are almost certain in the near future. The election thus inaugurated an area of greater political uncertainties than hitherto. A first indication into which direction the power realignments will move, will be the forthcoming annual October military reshuffle.
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