Shaping national consciousness: utakai hajime, imperial poems and the Russo-Japanese war
Identifier (Artikel)
The Imperial Poetry Bureau (Outadokoro 御歌所) was a court ministry founded in 1869 as one of the Meiji-era institutions which served to legitimize the new government as the restoration of the imperial rule. In my paper I will discuss the endeavors of Outadokoro’s leader, Takasaki Masakaze 高崎正風, and other members, to instrumentalize waka 和歌 poetry for purposes of nation-building. Whether as school songs, shōka 唱歌, imperial poems leaked to the press or poems submitted to the 1869 revived imperial poetry competition, utakai hajime 歌会始, waka poetry played a significant role in fostering national consciousness, particularly starting with the period of the Russo-Japanese War (1904–1905). The first part of this essay provides a historical overview of Outadokoro and utakai hajime, while the second part discusses the role played by waka poetry in the exacerbation of national fervor leading up to and during the Russo-Japanese War. I will show how, through literary topoi and tropes, the political myth of an unbroken imperial line descendant of Amaterasu was emphasized, while the high emotional content of imperial poems leaked to the press portrayed the Emperor as a concerned, affectionate father of the nation-family.

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