『和漢名所詩歌合』に関する一考察 ―形式と名所題をめぐって―
Identifier (Artikel)
This paper explores the importance of the poetic topoi and the influence of preexisting literary works in Wakan meisho shiika-awase 和漢名所詩歌合 (Fujiwara no Motoie, around 1272), a poetry contest with famous places of Japan and China as subject. First, I will compare Wakan meisho shiika-awase with earlier shiika awase in terms of form and composition. I will then consider the reason why Fujiwara no Motoie chose specific famous places as topics by looking at other works of the same period featuring famous places. Finally, I will elaborate on the characteristics of famous places of Japan and China Motoie selected as topics, and consider his awareness of the arrangement of Chinese and Japanese places.

Akademisches Fachgebiet und Untergebiete
Japanese Studies
Fujiwara no Motoie, Wakan meisho shiika-awase, shiika awase, meisho