『和漢名所詩歌合』に関する一考察  ―形式と名所題をめぐって―

  • 黄 夢鴿 (著者)

Identifiers (Article)


This paper explores the importance of the poetic topoi and the influence of preexisting literary works in Wakan meisho shiika-awase 和漢名所詩歌合 (Fujiwara no Motoie, around 1272), a poetry contest with famous places of Japan and China as subject. First, I will compare Wakan meisho shiika-awase with earlier shiika awase in terms of form and composition. I will then consider the reason why Fujiwara no Motoie chose specific famous places as topics by looking at other works of the same period featuring famous places. Finally, I will elaborate on the characteristics of famous places of Japan and China Motoie selected as topics, and consider his awareness of the arrangement of Chinese and Japanese places.

