Business-Knigge China. Möglichkeiten und Grenzen bei der Beschreibung Chinas am Beispiel interkultureller Ratgeberliteratur

  • Michael Poerner (Autor/in)


"Aimed specifically at Western businesses and managers, this book offers a general framework for understanding Chinese business culture." "You are given practical advice throughout on business etiquette, and how to incorporate Chinese expectations to achieve your goals." These are common samples of advertising texts of German publications which promise to give intercultural advice for German business people who are going on a business trip to China. This paper gives a brief overview of the analysis on the way China is presented in German intercultural advice literature from 1972 to 2008 with a special focus on 2004 to 2008. It contains the first comprehensive list of intercultural advice books on the German book market from 1972 to 2008 and outlines a number of criteria for a first sound classification and evaluation of those publications.

