Deutsch-chinesische Interaktion
Eine Sechs-Minuten- Analyse interkultureller Kommunikation und der Nutzen fur den Chinesisch-als-Fremdsprache-Unterricht
Identifier (Artikel)
This article presents an in-depth analysis of a German-Chinese planning sequence held at a Chinese university. The description of this interaction focuses on the Chinese "because-therefore"-structure and differences in German and Chinese turn-taking, pausing and feedback action. The reactions to linguistically unconscious and unfamiliar behaviour make it clear that pragmatic routines must be taught in Chinese as a Foreign Language classes to avoid problems and negative stereotypes. In order to improve German-Chinese interaction it is due to a lack of empirical evidence currently impossible to give hard guidelines about German or Chinese linguistic action. A flexibilisation of observation, interpretation and (re-)action must be trained in Chinese as a Foreign Language if it claims to be intercultural and student oriented.
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