Kontrastiv, kommunikativ und kreativ
Zur Vermittlung chinesischer Grammatik im Gymnasialunterricht am Beispiel einer Unterrichtseinheit über Fragepronomen
Identifier (Artikel)
In recent years, Chinese language instruction is getting more and more popular in German middle school education, it also encouraged research interests in the didactical principles and methods of teaching Chinese as a foreign language. Regarding common prejudices in foreign language education, this paper uses a practical lesson as example to explain the possibilities of applying grammar knowledge by developing communicative-functional approach. It provides a comprehensive formula combining grammar explanation and real-situation practice in order to improve grammatically accurate communication skills and reveals the process from using reference knowledge, followed by self-induction of grammatical rules and its consolidation, to the state of flexible and vivid language use. At the same time, it discusses the related teaching strategies in grammar comparison, mood steering, contextualized language practice, cognitive optimization as well as creativity motivation.
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