Identifier (Artikel)
- Introduction
- The aim of the B.A. Chinese degree course.
- Students, staff and facilities.
- Some new developments
- The structure of the four-year degree course
- Single-subject degree course
First year: Intensive language training
Second year: Spent in Beijing Language Institute
Third year & fourth year: The emphasis shifts to the reading of modern and classical texts, although tuition in the modern language continues in the form of conversation and composition classes.
- Two-subject degree course
B.A. Chinese and Economics/Geography/History/Law/Politics
B.A. Chinese and Korean
B.A. Chinese and Linguistics
3. A year in China – the benefits und problems
The one-year program at the Beijing Language Institute has enriched the Chinese degree course in these ways:
- more incentive and purposefulness has been given to our first year studies;
- the general standard of the use of the language, especially spoken Chinese, has been markedly raised;
- the experience of living in a Chinese community has proved to be so valuable that no other form of education can substitute for it.
But, as far as formal tuition is concerned, there are problems concerning:
- adaptation to a completely different system;
- teaching materials and teaching methods;
- classical Chinese;
- evaluation and examination.
4. Special Courses provided by the External Services of the School
- One-year intensive language program in Chinese for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office.
- Other short courses for the professional and business communities.
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