Cross-cultural Communication as a Necessary Training Supplement for Teachers of Chinese as a Second Language
Identifier (Artikel)
The rapidly increasing number of college students and professional adults who demonstrate an enthusiasm for learning Chinese as a second language has created a new challenge for innovative global educational planning. In the context of sociolinguistics, one can envision the urgent demand for upgrading the quality of teachers for teaching Chinese as a second language through a more pragmatic approach: interacting cross-culturally for efficient communication among foreign students, teachers, and the chief administrator so as to enhance the Chinese language learning achievement on the native turf.
The author proposes the above claim after seven years of continuously observing foreign students learning Chinese as a second language in Mandarin Training Center, where 900 students at varous levels of fluency form 40 counties are studying the Chinese language and culture. Through this method, culture shock can be eliminated, teacher-student relationships can be greatly augmented, and motivation and achievement can be boosted as a result of the foreign students´ ready adjustment to the new environment.
In order to fully accomplish this goal, a specially designed cross-cultural communication oriented training program for teachers of Chinese as a second language will be indispensable. In the meantime, the chief administrator´s active coordination of teacher training, material development, and teacher-student relations is crucial for safeguarding a successful TCSL program that can in return lead to a cross-linguistic and cross-cultural significance.


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