In Japan verwendete Lehrbücher der chinesischen Sprache

  • Johannes Henkel (Autor/in)

Identifier (Artikel)


A collection of 51 pinyin-supported Chinese language textbooks dating from 1968 to 1981 published in Japan had been subjected to an analytical investigation which was to find out about their conceptions and -as a consequence- possible adaptability to an intended usage in language courses at home. Analysis was conducted by application of a frame pattern from which relevant data could be obtained. An evaluation was made on the basis of three different criteria, asking for an intended promotion of skills, extended knowledge, as well as the faculty of contextualizing given dialogues.

It resulted in a preference for annotated reading materials with a pinyin-back up rather than beginners textbooks with a propensity to considerable limitations in conceptional design, largely due to preconditional discrepancies in their habitual approach to language acquisition of Chinese between Japanese and Western learners.

