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Richtlinien für Autor/innen

If you plan to submit a paper, please conform to the following parameters:
  • Papers should not be longer than 30 KB (= ca. 15 pages)
  • Footnotes (that can or cannot be written) should be put at the bottom of the text, and in square brackets.
  • To use transliterated Sanskrit words follow the Kyoto-Harvard convention of 1990.
  • In all contributions should be clearly specified at the top of the first page the title and the author.
  • All publications should be followed by a list of Abbreviations and the complete Bibliography used. All this should be included in the 30 Kb (= ca. 15 pages).
  • For copyright purposes, papers should not be already published or in press or forthcoming anywhere else. After publishing in this Journal, authors of papers are free to publish wherever they wish after the written permission of the Editor-in-Chief. Please see the Copyright Note given after the Kyoto-Harvard convention.
  • The sender of any paper is the only responsible for any Copyright violation (also in the case that author and sender are different).
  • When will papers be published? Accepted papers will be published in the first available issue of the journal. In case of delay senders will be notified by the Editors.
  • Senders of info on new books and articles, proceedings, meetings, projects, etc., are not subject to any limitation. However, the Editors are not responsible for any wrong info (if accepted) and for any violation to the Copyright of any submitted item.
  • Every issue of this Journal will have a Copyright note.
  • It is our intention to publish a hard copy of every issue of the ijts, bound according to editorial needs. It will be distributed under request.
    Senders and/or authors give the Editors the automatic permission to do so.

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