
The Habit of Tea Drinking in Theatres of Beijing from the 17th Century to the 1950s

  • Maurycy Gawarski (Autor)

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The traditional name for a commercial theatre building that is still in use among old Beijingers is chayuan ‒ namely “a teahouse”. This indicates the close and long-lasting relationship between the most common entertainment in imperial China ‒ theatre – and the most common beverage: tea. Initially, theatrical performances held in teahouses were only additional to their main activity; their aim was simply to attract customers, but very soon they became the main reason for customers to visit chuayuan. Along with changes in the architecture of Beijing's commercial theatres from the 17th century onwards, theatregoer’s customs also transformed significantly. However, the habit of tea drinking has constantly been an integral part of every theatrical performance up until the 1950s.

