Abiturprüfungen im Fach Chinesisch. Konzeption und Entwicklung am Beispiel von Berliner Oberschulen

  • Weijian LIU (Autor/in)


Recently, learning Chinese as foreign language is getting more popular at high schools in Berlin. The early form of after-school activity is being replaced by the formal module of elective subject for beginner as well as the advanced course of higher classes. Therefore, the question how to include Chinese in the final exams ("Abitur") becomes more than ever an important topic and experimental issue. According to this situation, this paper at first explains the current guidelines, testing formats and special features of the standardized written exam for graduates in the area of Berlin, then moves on to analyse both the oral test as well as the presentation examination and their designs. It discusses the standards of all the tests, their practical purpose and feasibility and provides suggestions for the future development.

