
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Author Guidelines

General Instructions:

  1. Research articles submitted to Nidān must be original, written in English (UK), without diacrical marks (unless within quoted text), and without special symbols.
  2. We would request our contributors to place all vernacular words in italic forms. Also, words and sentences with emphasis must be italicised and not underlined.
  3. Submissions should be compatible with the MS word format. We request our contributors to not format the text and images in any default mode, with headers, footers, or page numbers.
  4. The submission should not contain the author's identity. Authors must submit a cover letter along with their articles. The cover letter must include the author's name/names, institutional affiliation, and email. 
  5. The submission should not be under consideration simultaneously in any other journal.
  6. Articles may not, unless in exceptional cases, exceed 8000 words, all inclusive of abstract (250 words), keywords (five key words), footnotes, and references.
  7. Book reviews, unless in exceptional cases may not exceed 1500 words.
  8. Biographies can be as long as articles, should be academically oriented, necessitating a 250-word abstract as rationale, keywords, footnotes, and references.
  9. Nidān discourages any form of hate speech. Though we look forward to critical engagement, this criticism should not be personal, insulting, and/ or voice any discrimination based on race, gender, sexual orientation, caste, class, disability, political opinion, regional belonging, and vernacular affiliation. At the same time, authorial views if qualified, cogently argued, and academically defended constitute freedom of expression.
  10. All our articles undergo a rigorous review.

Formatting Guidelines

  1. Contributors must use Times Roman, font size 12 for the main body of the text, and 10 points for footnotes.
  2. Contributors should leave a basic margin of 1” on all sides to be used (top, bottom, left and right). And their paragraphs must be separated by additional line space.
  3. We request our contributors to list any specific abbreviations within the text in a separate section below the references. In case abbreviations are universal, like in the case of the UN, WHO, or USA or UK, an abbreviation can be created at its first occurrence in the paper and placed in brackets with the expanded form being part of the text—e.g., United Nations (UN). Thereafter the abbreviation can be used consistently.
  4. We encourage our contributors to use parentheses (round brackets). Square brackets should only be used within round brackets, for example, when citing a reference within parentheses.
  5. We request our contributors to only use footnotes. Please use Arabic numbers (1,2,3, etc.) for footnote numbers by using ‘auto’ command on footnote format. Please do not use additional line spacing between footnotes, and do not indent on the left side of the footnote.
  6. Contributors should submit images/photos separately in jpg format with high resolution. They must indicate in the paper where such images must occur by placing a note ‘image/photo to be placed here’.
  7. Caption for each image, with proper corresponding numbers that match with the note in the article’s main body, must be submitted separately to the editors in a separate word document.
  8. In case contributors have a long quote or translated text in the main body of the article, simply highlight this text in yellow. The editors will format it later. In an article of 8000 words, contributors must not quote texts larger than 400 words, or exceed 30% of the article’s total word limit.


  1. Please use referencing within the main body of the text as follows—(Smith 1970: 234)
  2. In case of dual authors, please mention the two last names (Smith and Wynberg 1978: 230)
  3. In case of multiple authors, (that is more than two authors) please mention as follows—(Smith et al. 1981: 156)
  4. Please ensure that the reference’s full bibliographical details are entered in the list of References at the end of the paper
  5. In the list of References, please enter only those that have been used in the paper. Please list all References in alphabetical order
  6. To list books, please use the following format—Smith, Wilfred Cantwell. (1970). Meaning and End of Religion. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 
  7. To list chapters in books, encyclopaedias please use according to the format example: Long, Jeffrey. (2013). "Diasporic and Indigenous Hinduism in North America", pp. 17-31, In Contemporary Hinduism, (ed.) Pratap P. Kumar. Durham, UK: Acumen.
  8. To list articles, papers, etc., from journals/periodicals please use according to the format example: Rubenstein, Mary-Jane. (2012). "Cosmic Singularities: On the Nothing and the Sovereign", In Journal of the American Academy of Religion. Vol. 80, No. 2: 485-517.
  9. To list reports, articles, news items in Newspapers, magazines etc., please use according to format example: Habib, Shiraz. (2013). “Intrepid Explorers Prepare for ‘Oarsome’ Adventure”, In Northglen News, 3 May, p.1. In cases where reports have no specific author/s, leave the author’s detail, and just mention the rest.
  10. Website addresses need to be given in a footnote text and not in the main body. Please ensure that the date and time of access is mentioned. These website URLs must also be listed separately at the after the reference list. Please use according to the format example: Pemmaraju, Gautam. (23.04.2023). "How Nazis and the 'Little Führer of Bombay' spread their web in war-time India", In (, accessed 30.04.2023.

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.