Vol. 9 No. 2 (2024): Nidān: International Journal for Indian Studies

Material Religion, Assemblage, and the Agency of Things in South Asia
Guest Edited: Leah Elizabeth Comeau
List of Contributors: Leah Elizabeth Comeau / Harini Kumar / Pratap Kumar Penumala / Deepra Dandekar / Anne T. Mocko / Iva Patel / Gautam Pemmaraju / Heinz Werner Wessler / Sabina Kazmi / Mithilesh Kumar / Amol Saghar
Full Issue:
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Front Matter
Editor's Preface Materiality
Introduction Material Religion, Assemblage, and The Agency of Things in South Asia
3-5 -
Afterword An Eiffel Tower at Nagore: Material Religion and Spectacular Assemblages at a South Indian Sufi Shrine
6-14 -
Obituary Professor Trichur Subramaniam Rukmani, June 29, 1930 - November 24, 2024
Research Articles
A Material Religion Approach to the Dargah of Sadal Baba in Pune
17-34 -
The Puzzle of Basil Brides and Canine Grooms On the Material Assemblage of Hindu Folk Rituals, and the Agency of Non-humans
35-48 -
With and Within Mind Visualising (With) Materiality in Bhakti Practices
49-64 -
Material Religion and the Edges of Assemblage at a South Indian Beach Festival
Book Reviews
Anarchy or Chaos M.P.T. Acharya and the Indian Struggle for Freedom
82-84 -
Nodes of Translation Intellectual History between Modern India and Germany
85-88 -
Making the ‘Woman’ Discourses of Gender in 18th-19th Century India
89-93 -
Stories of the Indian Immigrant Communities in Germany Why Move?
94-97 -
Social City Urban Experience and Belonging in Surat
98-99 -
Delhi and Its Environs Before 1857 The Account of Ramji Das, Sarishtadar