Culturally Sensitive Contemporary Buildings in India

  • Anna Rynkowska-Sachse (Autor)

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Contemporary architecture as a result of globalisation often moves away from relationships with the culture and tradition of a particular area or country. Simply put, ‘globalisation is the process of weakening the borders (also) the cultural ones dividing nations’. At the same time, globalisation has an impact on architecture such as: the extra-national, continental spread of patterns and parallel localism. This means that, on the one hand, non-culturally sensitive buildings are being constructed without local elements, while on the other hand, the existing traditional architectural solutions are excessively repeated without reference to the modern world. Thus, there is a need to link these two extreme tendencies in favour of a more moderate one promoting the development of contemporary architecture that fits the location by responding to its cultural and historical context, climate, responsive local building techniques and the character of the community. Cultural sensitivity appears to be important especially in countries highly populated, industrialised, undergoing political, economical and social transformations despite their rich cultural heritage.

