Between Documentary and Dastavezi: A Slow-Paced Approach to Theorizing Transnational Film-Practices

  • Max Kramer (Author)
  • Jürgen Schaflechner (Author)

Identifiers (Article)


This is the first edition of Dastavezi, a journal for scholars and filmmakers, filmmakers as scholars, and filmmaking scholars working on regional and transregional South Asia. Dastavezi aims to be a platform for the dialogue between textual and audio-visual productions in current research. In the introduction we address some common difficulties and convergences of - as well as differences between filmic and academic practices.


Published (Versions)

transnational film, film studies, film theory, media anthropology, documentary film
How to Cite
Kramer, Max, and Jürgen Schaflechner. (2019) 2022. “Between Documentary and Dastavezi: A Slow-Paced Approach to Theorizing Transnational Film-Practices”. Dastavezi | the Audio-Visual South Asia 1 (November).