Author Guidelines: Book Review

Book Review
Book reviews should provide a short summary of the book’s content, briefly summarize the main thesis of the author and connect the main research issues to current scientific discussions. Finally, the reviewer points out major strengths and weaknesses of the book and evaluates the book’s theoretical framework, methods and its contribution to the ongoing scientific debate.

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General Information

We invite authors and publishers of newly published books on Asian Studies to send us a review copy for consideration for review in one of the forthcoming IQAS issues. Books received will be sent to a reviewer if considered of interest to our journal's focus and scope. Please note that we do not guarantee that we will review submitted books in any case. Books refused will be returned to the author. If you are unsure whether your book is of interest to the IQAS, please send us a short message with a link to the book’s description.


Manuscript Preparation

The submission file is in Microsoft Word or RTF document file format and does not exceed a total of 5.500 characters.

The review should be headed by the following information: a) full name of the author(s), b) title, c) series, number of volume, d) place of pub-lication, e) publisher, f) year of publication, g) number of pages and maps, h) price, and i) ISBN.

Bernd Kuzmits, Borders and Orders in Central Asia. (Weltreligionen im Wandel, 15). Baden-Baden: Nomos, 2013. 388 pages, 2 maps, €64.00. ISBN 978-3-8487-0153-7

Kindly use the full name (including first name) of authors mentioned.

Given the limited amount of space, footnotes should not be utilized.

Quotations or ideas taken directly from the text should be followed parenthetically by the page.

The name of the reviewer should be placed under the text.

Kindly attach your address and contact details for the list of authors.

Please send the manuscript within two months to or use our submission site for online submission.