How to Cite

Schütte, Stefan and Kreutzmann, Hermann (Eds.): Making a living in Varanasi: Social place and socio-economic space, Heidelberg: CrossAsia, 2016 (Berlin Geographical Papers, Volume 44).


ISBN 978-3-946742-06-7 (PDF)


The edition is also available at the ZELF website.



Stefan Schütte (Ed.), Hermann Kreutzmann (Ed.)

Making a living in Varanasi

Social place and socio-economic space

The three-semester long project was implemented in Varanasi in close cooperation with Prof. Rana PB Singh and his colleagues and students from the Department of Geography at Banaras Hindu University and with the help of a number of established contacts in the city. We could form nine mixed groups of people with local knowledge and orientation that paired with a couple of students each from the Berlin team. The thematic focus was directed on ‘Making a living in Varanasi – social place and socio-economic space’. Beyond Varanasi’s attraction as a holy pilgrimage destination and place for worship we primarily looked at professions and locations that provide opportunities for making a meagre living by hard work. Consequently, certain trades and professions, groups and communities, individuals and office-bearers who kindly allowed us to observe, follow and sit with them during their working hours and to visit them at home contributed to form a selective mosaic of living conditions in Varanasi. All nine contributions in this volume are based on the findings from these joint-endeavours that were regularly discussed and re-adjusted during our bilateral discussions and plenary meetings at night in our temporary home in Varanasi. During a follow-up seminar back in Berlin the outcomes and results were again refined and processed to such a state that we could prepare the manuscripts in a manner that they fulfilled the formal requirements which a scientific journal would demand for.


Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Hermann Kreutzmann
Preface - Perceiving living conditions between social place and socio-economic space
Ilias Dimakopoulos, Kunol Kishor Vivek, Marina-Elena Heyink
Governing the paan leaf value chain
Celia Krauthausen, Jakob Kroneck, Valeska Mildenberger
Transformation processes in the saree weaving industry in Madanpura, Varanasi
Maike Metzkow, Hans Trebus
Economies of Milk
Nina Brauneis, Nicolas Patt
Street Vending - A Sustainable Livelihood Strategy for the urban poor?
Melissa Bayer, Vanessa Holm
Temple Economies: The Sankat Mochan Temple as a business enterprise
Julia Fülling, Juliane Meyer
The shrine of Ghazi Miyan: multi-religious space in Alai Pura, Varanasi
Eva Bunn, Sarvesh Kumar, Laurenz Virchow
Caste politics of the washermen in Varanasi
Lisa Maria Klaus, Bianca Möckel
Livelihood security strategies of the dom sweeper in Varanasi
Anubhav Dubey, Janaina Nunes Muniz, Tim Polster
Life as politics in Durga Kund Chamar Basti, Varanasi
