Our Service

Your work will usually be published in several formats: In digital form as an Open Access PDF document and, where appropriate, in HTML. If you wish, it can also be published as a printed book, in hardcover or softcover, which can be purchased from online booksellers or local bookshops.

All publications are assigned an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) and a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) to ensure permanent access and visibility of the publications. The publications are listed in German and international library catalogues (HEIDI, SWB, KVK, WorldCat, etc.) and indexed in full-text by search engines.

In addition to our e-publishing services for monographs, edited volumes, etc., HASP also offers the possibility of permanently archiving the associated research data.

Heidelberg University Library guarantees the long-term hosting of the Open Monograph Press (OMP) software, which makes your monograph, edited volume or series permanently available online.

If you are interested in publishing with HASP, please do not hesitate to contact us – whether you are still planning your Open Access eBook or would like to convert a print version of a book or a series into an electronic edition.

Further information can be found under “Information for Authors”.