Jahrbuch der Deutschen Vereinigung für Chinastudien
The Yearbook of the DVCS is an established scholarly medium for German-language sinological research. The first volume was published in 1995. The yearbooks are thematically oriented according to the focal points of the respective annual conferences and cover a broad spectrum of content. They are published in print by Harrassowitz Verlag (Wiesbaden) and can be ordered directly there (https://www.harrassowitz-verlag.de/reihe_393.ahtml). As of 2018, the printed new publications will be made available in open access after an embargo period of twelve months.
Published so far
Erinnern und Erinnerung, Gedächtnis und Gedenken: Über den Umgang mit Vergangenem in der chinesischen Kultur
Keeping parts of the past in the collective consciousness and bringing them to mind also directly shapes the subjective perception of the individual. Shared memories are an important basis of identity and community building. Forms of reproducing and reproducibility of memory, which include recording the past as well as preserving present knowledge, depend on culture and history. Thus, every culture of remembering and commemorating – as well as of forgetting – includes social conflicts, series of events, crises and blows of fate as well as positively charged moments and serendipities. In order to show the importance of commemorative culture for China's past and present development, the volume edited by Maria Khayutina and Sebastian Eicher looks at Chinese commemorative culture from historical, philological, literary and cultural studies perspectives, covering a long period from the early Middle Ages to the present. The case studies by nine authors are dedicated to such diverse sources as early medieval geographical works, dynastic histories, Song dynasty poems, Ming novels as well as dictionaries, UNESCO intangible cultural heritage and contemporary films, all the way to current developments in the field of artificial intelligence.
For technical reasons there may be minimal differences between this digital version and the print version from Harrassowitz.
Vom Wesen der Dinge: Realitäten und Konzeptionen des Materiellen in der chinesischen Kultur
Von dieser Annahme ausgehend werden in diesem Band die Beweise materieller Kultur Chinas aus ganz verschiedenen Perspektiven und mit sehr unterschiedlichen methodischen Zugriffen untersucht. Das in den hier versammelten Aufsätzen abgebildete thematische Spektrum reicht u.a. von soziologischen Untersuchungen moderner Machtarchitektur und einer Ethnographie des Recyclings von Bauschutt im gegenwärtigen China über die literaturwissenschaftliche Analyse sogenannter „Dinggedichte“ bis hin zu Fragen sozialistischen Möbeldesigns und dem Problem des Kulturbegriffs in der chinabezogenen archäologischen Forschung. Allen Beiträgen gemein ist jedoch der Versuch, den Dingen dialogisch zu begegnen und diese dabei „zum Sprechen“ zu bringen.
N.B.: Aufgrund einer unvollständigen Herausgeberangabe auf der Titelei des Buches wurden sowohl die PDF-Datei des Buches als auch die PDF-Datei der Titelei am 24.11.2021 ausgetauscht.
Worüber man nicht spricht: Tabus, Schweigen und Redeverbote in China
Self-imposed or socially or state-imposed speech taboos have always accompanied Chinese cultural history, as have attempts to break or circumvent them. Not only philosophy, historiography and literature have stood in this field of tension, but also moral and political action, which is still confronted with speech taboos today.
Worüber man nicht spricht gathers eleven contributions that span an arc from Chinese antiquity to the present day and illuminate the topic from various perspectives. They are examined: Cases of incest in ancient China; the problem of domestic violence in contemporary China; the originally strictly confidential "family teachings of Zhu Xi"; guidebook literature on China with its recommendations and prohibitions; the criticism of the republican writer and intellectual Lu Xun of mechanisms of power; the orientation of research on the 'Book of Changes' (Yijing); political factionalism in the one-party state of China; the linguist Wei Jian¬gong and his justifications of language policy measures; the political commitment of the filmmaker Shi Hui in the 1940s and the activities of the performance artist He Yunchang in the political and social context of the People's Republic of China. In this way, a multifaceted picture of taboos and prohibitions of speech in China's past and present is created.
Rechtskultur und Gerechtigkeitssinn in China
Already early writings from China are shaped by discourses on order and law within and between states. Whether in the philosophical debate between Confucianism and Legalism, or in the discussion and interpretation of criminal law by civil servants at court, the understanding of law and the sense of justice remained of central importance throughout the history of the Chinese empire. Even today, China is a source of controversy with regard to crime, criminal law and ethics. In particular, Chinese characteristics and foreign influences are being critically discussed at home and abroad. In China's current social discourse, questions of social justice and equality of opportunities, which are also related to the legitimacy of the Chinese government, are of core interest. The range of topics related to law and justice outlined here was the focus of the 25th annual conference of the German Association for Chinese Studies (DVCS), which took place in Münster on November 7-9, 2014. This conference volume brings together contributions by elevenauthors who approach law and justice in China from philological, philosophical, literary, historical, sociological, political and, last but not least, jurisprudential perspectives. The volume spans the full range of Chinese studies both methodologically and chronologically by analysing relevant issues from the Western Zhou period to the recent present. The result is a multi-faceted interim state of scholarly discussion that also provides a well-grounded basis for future discussions.
For technical reasons there may be minimal differences between this digital version and the print version from Harrassowitz.