South Asia Study Group

The Study Group on South Asia in the German Geographical Society (DGfG) was founded in January 2011. Its main goal is to connect geographers with a regional focus on South Asia based in Germany and provide a platform for exchange between researchers from different subdisciplines, facilitate the dialogue between geographers in schools, research institutions and applied geographers, the discussion of recent studies and projects in a dynamic region as well as a critical reflection on methodology. Over the past years, the Study Group has been able to pool the broad expertise of its members spread over various departments and institutions in Germany. Recent scientific work is annually published in the form of extended abstracts in the series “Geographien Südasiens” (Geographies of South Asia), which build on conference papers presented at the annual conferences. Further goals of the Study Group include, but are not limited to, joint publications in the form of special issues, the promotion of cooperation between theoretical and applied research as well as the development of common research projects. A special focus lies on the interdisciplinary exchange between human and physical geographers. Information on the Study Group and its recent and upcoming activities can be found at:

The South Asia Study Group publishes through HASP the series „Geographies of South Asia”. The series gives an insight into the current research in the field of South Asian Geographical Studies. Recent works, built on conference papers presented at the annual conferences will be published in the form of extended abstracts in conference volumes of the series. Moreover, articles on topics in the field of South Asia research are also accepted. They are published in additional volumes of the series.


Thomas Lennartz (Ed.), Carsten Butsch (Ed.), Martin Franz (Ed.), Mareike Kroll (Ed.)
Julia Poerting (Ed.), Thomas Lennartz (Ed.)
Julia Poerting (Ed.), Markus Keck (Ed.)
Nicolas Schlitz (Ed.), Julia Poerting (Ed.)
Matthias Schmidt (Ed.), Alexander Follmann (Ed.), Julia Poerting (Ed.)
Carsten Butsch (Ed.), Alexander Follmann (Ed.), Judith Müller (Ed.)
Judith Müller (Ed.), Juliane Dame (Ed.), Carsten Butsch (Ed.)
Alexander Follmann (Ed.), Judith Müller (Ed.), Gregor C. Falk (Ed.)
Judith Müller (Ed.), Miriam Wenner (Ed.), Christoph Dittrich (Ed.)
Judith Müller (Ed.), Juliane Dame (Ed.), Sneha Sharma (Ed.), Carsten Butsch (Ed.)

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Leitungsteam des AK Südasien

Dr. Carsten Butsch (Mitgliederkontakt)
Prof. Dr. Martin Franz (Öffentlichkeitsarbeit)
Dr. Alexander Follmann (Homepage, Finanzen)
Dr. Markus Keck (Forschungspreis)
Julia Poerting (Schriftenreihe)
