Vol. 53 No. 4 (2022): Negotiating Research Ethics in Volatile Contexts, Part I

edited by Abida Bano, Rosa Cordillera A. Castillo, Sarah Holz and Andrea Fleschenberg
Full Issue:
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Negotiating Research Ethics in Volatile Contexts
Current Debate
Ethics as Embodied Practice: Reflexivity, Dialogue and Collaboration – in Conversation with Prof. Dr. Hansjörg Dilger Interview
505-518 -
Keep Research Ethics Dirty! A comment and responses
Special Issue Article
Following the Heart: Ethics of Doing Affective Ethnography in Vulnerable Research Settings
533-551 -
Navigating Respectability in Patriarchal Contexts: Ethical Dilemmas of Women Researchers in Pakistan
553-585 -
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Ethics of Fieldwork in Northwest Pakistan
Book Review
Philip Wadds / Nicolas Apofis / Susanne Schmeidl / Kim Spurway (eds): Navigating Fieldwork in the Social Sciences: Stories of Danger, Risk, and Reward
613-615 -
Berit Bliesemann de Guevara / Morten Bøås (eds): Doing Fieldwork in Areas of International Intervention: A Guide to Research in Violent and Closed Contexts
615-617 -
Marjo Buitelaar, Manja Stephan-Emmrich, Viola Thimm (eds): Muslim Women’s Pilgrimage to Mecca and Beyond: Reconfiguring Gender, Religion, and Mobility
617-619 -
Ismail Fajrie Alatas: What is Religious Authority? Cultivating Islamic Communities in Indonesia
619-623 -
Mina Roces: The Filipino Migration Experience: Global Agents of Change