How to Cite

Martin, Anna: Übersetzung als kultureller Transfer: Eine Untersuchung persischer Versionen des indischen Vikrama-Erzählzyklus, Heidelberg: CrossAsia, 2017.


ISBN 978-3-946742-33-3 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-946742-32-6 (Hardcover)




Anna Martin

Übersetzung als kultureller Transfer

Eine Untersuchung persischer Versionen des indischen Vikrama-Erzählzyklus

The Indian king Vikrama embodies the ideal type of a just and generous ruler. We find tales about him in different Indian languages. Persian versions emerged during the sixteenth century, when the Persian language was one of the many literary languages and also functioned as administrative language in India. By the 19th century, the Vikrama stories had been translated into Persian several times.

This study examines a 17th century Persian adaptation of the Vikrama story called the Kišanbilās („Kišan’s dalliance“) by an author named Kišandās. Other Persian renderings of the Vikrama stories are also discussed for comparison. Kišandās’ rendering is here analyzed according to its alignment with Sanskrit recensions with a focus on translation and editorial strategies as well as a specimen of Persian narrative prose in terms of its genre affiliation and adaptions made for an intended audience.

Anna Martin is a postdoctoral research fellow at the department of Iranian Studies at the University of Marburg, where she is currently working in a joint research project with the department of Indology on a 19th century Sanskrit translation of the Aḫlāq-i Muḥsinī funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG). She is also a section editor of the research and publishing project Perso-Indica ( for the section of “tales and stories”. Her research interests include translations from Indian languages into Persian, Indo-Persian literature and Translation Studies.


Table of Contents
Anmerkungen zur Umschrift
1. Einleitung
2. Forschungsstand und Kontext
3. Persische Vikramageschichten
4. Analyse von Kišanbilās als Texttransfer
5. Analyse des Kišanbilās im Adaptationskontext
6. Schlussbetrachtung
Quellen- und Literaturverzeichnis
Anhang: Kišanbilās
