How to Cite

Chen, Liang: Begräbnistexte im sozialen Wandel der Han-Zeit: Eine typologische Untersuchung der Jenseitsvorstellungen, Heidelberg: CrossAsia, 2021.


ISBN 978-3-946742-75-3 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-946742-74-6 (Hardcover)




Liang Chen

Begräbnistexte im sozialen Wandel der Han-Zeit

Eine typologische Untersuchung der Jenseitsvorstellungen

During the Han period (202 BC - 220 AD), funerary texts were added to tombs in China. These were intended to serve as a means of communication between this world and the hereafter. This work systematically analyses funerary texts from about 180 tombs and thus shows the development of the concept of the afterlife in connection with social change in the Han period. Special attention is paid to the form and material composition of the texts, their physical and symbolic position in the tomb, as well as the layout of the funerary texts and the seals used in them. Statistical analysis of the geographical and temporal occurrence of the funerary texts will also identify centres of distribution and reveal regional interactions. In addition, the connection between the outbreak of epidemics and the distribution of the funerary texts in the Eastern Han period is examined. With the help of detailed textual analyses, the question of whether tomb-protecting texts are to be regarded as products of folk belief or Daoism is then pursued.


Liang Chen received his Bachelor's degree in Biology from Tsinghua University and his Master's degree in Art History from Peking University. He received his PhD from the Institute of East Asian Art History at Heidelberg University in 2018 and works at the Institute of Art History at the University of Vienna. His research areas are mainly in the material and religious culture of China in the early Middle Ages.



Table of Contents
Zeittafel der Han-Zeit
0. Einführung
1. Abgrenzung des Forschungsfeldes
2. Schriftlichkeit
3. Materialität und Raum
4. Die Begräbnistexte im sozialen Wandel der Han-Zeit
5. Zusammenfassung
Abbildungen und Bildnachweise
