Centre for Development Studies (ZELF)

The Centre for Development Studies (ZELF) provides research and teaching in the field of Geographical Development Studies. Our main research interests are related to political, economic and socio-cultural developments and transformation processes in the countries of Central and South Asia. We study the dimensions and forms of social vulnerability, effects of global exchange relations and transformation processes in rural areas, analyse its underlying natural and social causes, and design countermeasures and strategies. Our current research activities focus on rural areas in Pakistan, India, Nepal, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and People's Republic of China (Xinjiang and Tibet). Most of our research projects are located in peripheral regions where human-environmental relations are under stress, e.g. in mountain regions with a focus on pastoral practices, water management and other resource-oriented strategies. In the field of borderland studies emphasis is put on the impact executed by central governments and development agencies on peripheral regions, e.g. on administration, infrastructure expansion and development projects.

ZELF publishes the series "Berlin Geographical Papers" through HASP. In the series the results of current research projects conducted at the Center for Development Study of Freie Universität Berlin are published. The key region of research is Asia with the special focus on South and Central Asia.


Stefan Schütte (Ed.), Hermann Kreutzmann (Ed.)
Hermann Kreutzmann (Ed.), Stefan Schütte (Ed.)
Hermann Kreutzmann (Ed.), Matthias Schmidt (Ed.), Andreas Benz (Ed.)
Andrei Dörre (Ed.), Hermann Kreutzmann (Ed.), Stefan Schütte (Ed.)

Zelf Logo

Malteserstr. 74‐100
Gebäude K ‐ Raum K 180

PD Dr. Stefan Schütte
Tel.: +49 30 838 70235
Email: stefan.schuette@fu-berlin.de

Internet: www.geo.fu-berlin.de/geog/fachrichtungen/anthrogeog/zelf/index.html