How to Cite

Adeli, Jamila: Kunst, Markt, Kommunikation: Die zeitgenössische Kunstwelt in Indien im Wandel (2000-2018), Heidelberg: CrossAsia, 2021 (Media and Cultural Studies, Volume 2).


ISBN 978-3-948791-16-2 (PDF)
ISBN 978-3-948791-15-5 (Hardcover)




Jamila Adeli

Kunst, Markt, Kommunikation

Die zeitgenössische Kunstwelt in Indien im Wandel (2000-2018)

Contemporary visual art has long since ceased to take place only in Western art centres. In particular, "emerging art markets" such as India or China, with their aspiring middle and upper classes, have increasingly attracted the attention of the global art field since the beginning of the 2000s. However, these art markets do not simply fit into the Western art establishment, but differentiate themselves into (trans)local art fields. This book traces how (trans)local art institutions, knowledge spaces and resources have evolved in India between 2000 and 2018 and suggests that the transformation of the contemporary art world in India can be understood as a decided process of localisation. Based on the India Art Fair, the Kochi-Muziris-Biennale and the positioning and practices of local art actors in Mumbai, Delhi and Kochi, a new self-understanding of the art-interested Indian society becomes visible, which increasingly leads to emancipation from Western art centres.


Jamila Adeli studied European Art History, Film Studies and English Philology at Freie Universität Berlin. Since 2007, she has worked as curator, coordinator and advisor, specializing in the field of contemporary art in and of the MENASA region. 

In 2019, she received her Ph.D. in South Asian Studies at the cross section Gender and Media Studies for the South Asian Region at Humboldt Universität of Berlin. It tackles the transition of the contemporary artistic field in Mumbai, Delhi and Kochi (2000-2018) by focussing on its various local art actors. In her current research at Humboldt University of Berlin, she investigates artistic (de)constructions of new cultural narratives as local reaction to and position towards China’s Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). 


Table of Contents
"Die Inder kommen!"
Art Worlding in Indien
1. Lokalisierung, Agency und Kunst als sozialer Interaktionsraum
2. Methodische Zugänge
Lokalisierungsprozesse im Feld der Kunst
3. Ausdifferenzierung und Institutionalisierung der Kunstwelt in Mumbai und Delhi
4. IAF und KMB
Bildung von kulturellem und symbolischem Kapital
5. Neue mediale Adressaten und Wissensräume der zeitgenössischen Kunst
Fazit und Ausblick
Literatur- und Quellenverzeichnis
